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JMandel - A simple Java vs C++ benchmark
Purpose of this is a comparision of calculation speed of Java V1.5.0
and C. The program mandel.MandelBenchmark runs 5 loops to render the
basic mandelbrot set in the range ((-2,1), (-1.5, 1.5)).
Test results with
normal (-client) VM args which means Java is slower by factor 1.37!
Testing mandelbrot iteration implemented in java.
Time: 1.552s
Time: 1.492s
Time: 1.482s
Time: 1.482s
Time: 1.473s
Testing optimized C version of iteration via JNI
Time: 1.101s
Time: 1.092s
Time: 1.111s
Time: 1.092s
Time: 1.091s
Test results with
-server VM arg which means Java is faster by factor 0.69?
Testing mandelbrot iteration implemented in java.
Time: 0.771s
Time: 0.761s
Time: 0.752s
Time: 0.751s
Time: 0.761s
Testing optimized C version of iteration via JNI, done by RST.
Time: 1.091s
Time: 1.092s
Time: 1.091s
Time: 1.102s
Time: 1.092s
Generated Mandelbrot
(ASCII Graphic)
The flags I used to compile the C iteration loop are /Ot /O2
/GD /G6 /Og (means as much time optimizations as possible).